
Welcome to my SKO for CODE+WORDS

By Celia Mance

+ final reflection

Looking back over the past 13 weeks, I have undeniably made significant progress in my coding knowledge, which started from nothing at all. It has definitely made me appreciate the skill and dedication it takes to build a proficiency in code. I don’t think that I will be a self-proclaimed professional coder anytime soon but having an established understanding of code alongside improved skills in patience and logic will give me a new perspective on how I approach future projects. I hope that I will find more ways to incorporate coding into my work and continue to build on the skills I have learnt this semester.

I think the way this studio was taught provided a perfect balance between practical coding skills, aesthetic design choices and critical evaluation of design theory or of our own work. This balance was struck through the team teaching of Andy and Karen employing their individual skills in the lessons and feedback provided. So, not only have I come away with an understanding of code, but also enhanced awareness of what exists in new media design theory and how to utilise multiple design skills to produce an engaging, cohesive outcome.

Unexpectedly, some of my favourite parts of the class were observing the way Andy and Karen approach subject matter, thinking outside of the norm and beyond trends that pervade existing media. Sometimes they would rightfully reject the way we have been conditioned to think and how we are expected to interact with design. This was evident in simple UX considerations like how we scroll and click, or more broad ideas like the future of our individual design practice, not necessarily limited to the conventional industry of perpetual logo designs and book covers. This makes the industry feel far less confined, leaving the only limit as your imagination within the means of your personal design practice. The analytical and insightful discussions we had, like the ethics of licencing open source code or job cuts in universities really enhanced the classroom environment and taught me the importance of questioning the validity of more things I encounter rather than simply accepting them as they are. Essentially, one of the greatest things I learnt was how to think differently and more independently and that is an immeasurably valuable quality, so thank you!

Digital hugs, Celia

+ contents

I have organised my SKO in a weekly format encompassing my code development, inspiration discovered and class discussions - I hope you enjoy seeing the progress!

[WEEK 1]

[WEEK 2]

[WEEK 3]

[WEEK 4]

[WEEK 5]

[WEEK 6]

[WEEK 7]

[WEEK 8]

[WEEK 9]

[WEEK 10]

[WEEK 11]

[WEEK 12]